If you have any other USB drives connected, it’s better to detach them before moving to the next screen. Please note that the contents of this USB Flash drive will be deleted when you proceed to the next screen so please choose the correct USB drive. This screen allows you to select the USB Flash drive on which the Installation Media will be set up. Ensure you have the USB Flash drive connected and then select the USB Flash drive option in the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool window. On the next screen you will be presented with the option of either preparing a USB drive or downloading the ISO separately. We tend to go with English (US) of the Windows 10 Edition for the 64-bit Architecture. On the next page, you will be given the choice to select the language, edition and architecture of the installation file. The next screen will give you a choice between upgrading the current PC to the latest Windows 10 version or you can create an installation media.

You’ll be presented with the License Agreement first, read through it if you wish to and then Accept the Agreement. Run the tool and it’ll connect to the internet to get the latest details from Microsoft’s servers. You will initiate the download of the latest version of the tool. Scroll to the section that reads “Create Windows 10 installation media” and click on the “Download tool now” button. You’ll end up on the Microsoft Web Page that allows you to download the tool. Plug your USB flash drive into your friend’s computer and google for Windows Media Creation Tool. You will need an 8GB USB flash drive for this process. You can always make a bootable USB drive at your friend’s or neighbour’s place if you don’t have a second PC lying around. In order to prepare a USB drive with the installation media you need an existing PC with Windows or Linux running on it. We’ll be installing Windows 10 using a bootable USB drive. We’ll look at the typical installation scenario that you’re going to face after building your PC for the first time and we’ll take you through all the steps needed to set up your machine properly. In this article, we’re going to be installing Windows 10 and all the drivers for your PC. Welcome to the fifth article in the “Build Your Own PC” series, powered by AMD Ryzen and Radeon.